Welcome Solo Biz Hackers...
The coupon/promo code to use to get this course for just $15 is SOLOBIZHACKER. The promo code box is at the bottom of the billing section

Every day your customers are flooded with offers and information. There is so much to read and act on - sometimes it feels like just dealing with all the resources out there can be a full time job! And, if your clients aren't seeing your content - they won't know about your offers in order to buy from you.
How does anyone decide what to look at? And how can you make sure that YOUR content is one of those items?

Yes, you can spend time, energy and money on creating just the right e-mail subject line - but at the end of the day, people will read content that is relevant to their needs AT THAT MOMENT.
Yeah, I know it seems impossible to get that specific with a small list and a limited technology budget... Actually, content customization is something you can do no matter where you are in your business... it just takes creativity and a commitment to making it happen.
There are all sorts of tech options these days that help you personalize content in this way, but it may sound out of reach for the average entrepreneur or small business owner. Luckily, that's not true.
In For Your Eyes Only, we'll show you how to send just the right content to your customers via email, social media, the web... and do it easily no matter where you are in your business.

Here's what you'll learn:
Unlike typical online courses where you just get videos or information - this course is interactive and taught at your own pace. No need to attend a class, or join yet another Facebook group. Simply answer the questions on the course pages and we'll send you customized and personalized feedback. We are also available for e-mail quesetions when the course is active - It is like having a coach in your back pocket 🙂

Bonus: 30 minute personalization audit and planning session. As a bonus, upon completing the course, you'll be eligible for a free 30 minute session to review how you plan to personalize content in your business, your technology, and more.

Meet Your Coaches
Meredith Eisenberg and Jasper Blake have over 25 years combined experience helping solopreneurs create thriving businesses. They co-hosted a top rated podcast - Paycheck to Passion. They now take the lessons learned from successful entrepreneurs and apply them to their work helping solopreneurs create a thriving business. They are also co-authors of The ESCAPE Plan book. Meredith is an Active Campaign certified consultant and lives and breathes helping people market better through automation.