Welcome to our Action Items page for our book –
The ESCAPE Plan.

All the following resources are PDFs and are designed so you can print them off and work on them (except the Entrepreneurial Quiz which contains a web link to the quiz).  You can either right click the links and SAVE AS – or click the links to open them – they open in a new tab, and you can print them from there.

The ESCAPE Plan book cover

40,000 Foot Worksheet [Download]

Top 10 Reasons Worksheet [Download]

Are You Ready Quiz [Download]

Crowdsourcing Your Passion Worksheet
(What does your community want from you?) [Download]

5 Gaps Worksheet [Download]

Customer Persona Worksheet [Download]

Create Your Manifesto Worksheet [Download]

Systems Checklist [Download]


Fast & Focused Marketing Plan - Course Offer