What is the one thing that would make the most difference in your business in 2020...
- Knowing that you are in the right business and having a business model that works for you?
- Having an on-tap source of warm leads for your business with social media profiles that bring you customers?
- Having your product, shopping cart and funnels working on autopilot to make you money?
- Having a platform (podcast, webinars, blog, book) that builds you up as the thought leader you are?
- Knowing how to collect & read the numbers in your business so you can find those money making hacks & tweaks?
- Growing your dream team and leveraging your team to make a bigger difference for more people?
Wish granted
Why no buy button? No, this isn't some super-expensive (costs more than your mortgage) program. (because this is done *with* you - it is surprisingly affordable). But, because we are your "partners in crime" - we want to be absolutely sure that this program is the right fit for you - and that we have the skills to really make a difference in your business --which is why we need to talk to you before you buy.
Welcome to the Solo Biz Hackers Collective - A True
Done-With-You Marketing Support Hack...
The ONLY Online Marketing Mastermind and Incubator That Includes:
- Top Notch Strategy from Coaches with Over a Decade of Experience
- Partnership To Get A Major Building Block Project Done (We’ll roll up our sleeves and help you get it completed)
- Small, Intimate Accountability and Coaching Groups of Less Than Five (So You Don’t Get Lost & You Get to Know Your Fellow Collaborators).
- 24/7 Access to Your Coaches Via Slack (Get Your Questions Answered)
… to ensure that you get the help you need to create a business that you love working in that transforms the lives of your clients.
Why no buy button? No, this isn't some super-expensive (costs more than your mortgage) program. (because this is done *with* you - it is surprisingly affordable). But, because we are your "partners in crime" - we want to be absolutely sure that this program is the right fit for you - and that we have the skills to really make a difference in your business --which is why we need to talk to you before you buy.
Hey there it's Meredith & Jasper (founders of Solo Biz Hackers) with a quick question for you…
Are you ready to make 2020 the year you finally get the big things done in your business?
Masterminds are a great way to get some coaching and be part of a community of smart fellow entrepreneurs. We have been a member of many - and they’ve truly helped our business…
But, we’ve noticed a few problems with the typical mastermind:
Since groups are large - at the end of the day, members are getting great networking, but less than 10 minutes a week of the coaches time.
Group members get a lot of strategy (what to do) but not a lot of help with implementation. The coach leading the mastermind has a team to do the “detail work” for themselves so isn’t much help for technical questions.
Or… the coach helps members with technology, but that doesn’t leave a lot of time for deeper discussions (10 minutes is not a lot of time anyway).
Sometimes the group ends up being the blind leading the blind- with the members of the group giving each other bad advice!
You come out of the mastermind with lots of new ideas - but less accountability to actually making progress on what needs to get done.
It is pretty easy to get yourself in a spin cycle where you can spend tens and thousands of dollars on “coaching” and still not have a functional business to show for our investment of time and money…
Or, you’ve hired someone to ”do it for you”- but you aren’t seeing ROI and and really don’t know what you are paying all that money for…
(And, if you are just starting out, and now scared of starting a business and getting nowhere… keep reading… this is for you too!)
It is time to get off the roller coaster... Let's make 2020
the year that you finally break through!
What would your business look like if you not only had a coach to help you map a path - but had “partners in crime” to roll up their sleeves each week and help you get your project done?
Why no buy button? No, this isn't some super-expensive (costs more than your mortgage) program. (because this is done *with* you - it is surprisingly affordable). But, because we are your "partners in crime" - we want to be absolutely sure that this program is the right fit for you - and that we have the skills to really make a difference in your business --which is why we need to talk to you before you buy.
Where Are You Stuck?
Over the past decade of working with online business owners, we’ve learned that businesses go through different stages - that require different types of help to get them to escape to the next level…
(We wrote a book about this - called The ESCAPE Plan:
6 Steps To Escaping The Job You Hate by Creating a Business You Love!)
The 6 Steps of The ESCAPE Plan
How to create something that works for you?
Now that you have something to sell...How do you get your message and offer out to the world?
Who do you serve & what do they need?
What do you measure and tweak to grow our business faster?
How do people buy your products online?
How to you add leverage and a team to help your business grow?
The Solo Biz Hacker Collective is unique in that we meet you right where you are and over 90 days work with you hand in hand to do the one thing that will help you move to the next level.
Have you been working on getting “a big project done” for a long time? Something that would really help you break through…
We can help you hack your way to success quickly and easily by using templates and systems that we’ve developed over a decade of working with clients just like you. Working together, you’ll benefit from our experience and more importantly, create and customize what we do together so that repeating the project (i.e. building more products) will be a snap.
So What Am I Actually Getting Access to (And Getting Done)?
Road Map Session
We’ll do a deep dive into your business and create a roadmap for our project together. No more wondering what’s next - we’ll have a solid plan for our 90 days together.

The BIG Hack - Building Block Project
Over 90 days, we’ll be meeting for 12 hours of done with you implementation time. We’ll be rolling up our sleeves and getting your project done. Because we’ve done these projects with dozens of clients - we have the templates and systems to hack your way to a result in just 90 days.

Weekly Solo Biz Hacker Collective Meeting
Sometimes the best way to get things done is to have a group of people that you are accountable to. Join us each week for a small group experience where we will collectively hack your biggest business issues (whether they are related to our project together or not).

BONUS: Bi Monthly Hackathon
Take some time and get a project done in just a few hours. Join us for our bi-monthly virtual workshop and hack your way through a mini-project. In December, we planned our content for the year. In February, we’ll be creating a plan to get your message out to your very best prospects in a way that converts better than email or Facebook ads.

24/7 Access
Got a quick question? We are there for you. As a Solo Biz Hacker, you’ll be added to our super secret slack group where we’ll be on call to answer your questions quickly :) You’ll never be stuck again.

Meet the SOLO BIz Hackers
Jasper & Meredith
Meredith and Jasper have been helping entrepreneurs tame the tech overwhelm and create businesses that work for them for over 10 years each! From coming up with basic strategy to untangling and simplifying your funnels, we’ve been there and done that. We bring a “one-two punch” of mad technical skills (Meredith is certified in numerous platforms including Active Campaign) to help clients make good money doing good things in the world.
For our “day job” we are coaches for an Inc. 500 company that helps companies of all sizes generate leads via social media. We both are passionate about helping seasoned entrepreneurs with a passion create businesses to help them end up on the “right side” of the economy so they can develop the skills to always earn money without depending on employment.
Before jumping into the online
world with two feet, Meredith
was an award-winning public
affairs officer for a large local government near Washington
Jasper was an accomplished
archeologist, bass player
and had a successful social
media marketing business
before teaming up with
Meredith at Convivium
Coworking in 2012.
Customer stories
Sheila - EXPLORE
Sheila had built a successful business in the past - but had lost some motivation and had gone back to making a living through a patchwork of part time jobs. She came to us because she wanted to get back online again. She was in the EXPLORE phase because she needed some direction as to what kind of business to create.
We partnered with her to explore her strengths as well as reach out to her considerable network to create a growing and successful podcast placement service.
We worked with Lana to perfect her automated email follow-up sequences to increase sales in her online olive oil business.
Often a client will overlook opportunities to sell further products to clients who have purchased something else - or even miss a first sale because they didn’t follow up enough - or didn't follow up an abandoned cart, for example. Much of that process can be automated and can make a significant difference to a businesses bottom line.
Vanessa - PERFECT
Vanessa was an experienced entrepreneur who was relaunching her membership site. We worked with her on creating and automating a launch sequence using Active Campaign that increased her sales by almost 30% over her previous launch. The key was beefing up her follow up sequence.
Often clients forget how many touch points it takes before a prospect notices you. Adding more messages to Vanessa's sequence made a big difference to her results.
Are You Finally Ready to Move to the Next Level in Your Business?
Here are the 6 stages (see ESCAPE Plan above), that we see in our clients’ businesses and the projects that need to be done to move to the next level…
Here are some of the Building Block Projects that we can work with you to complete in our 90 days together:
Serve Your Audience By Creating a
Relationship Building System
Serve Your Audience By Creating a Relationship Building System
How do you make sales when you don’t have a list? The secret to making the cash register ring whether you are new or starting over is to reach out to prospect and have conversations. To do that effectively, you need a relationship building system (and it doesn’t involve a website or email autoresponder).
Our relationship building system includes:
- FB/LI Profile
- Prospect Profile/Database Build
- Connection/Sales Messaging
- Audience Needs Survey
- Possibly Speaker Sheet (depending on the outreach)
Sheila had built a successful business in the past - but had lost some motivation and had gone back to making a living through a patchwork of part time jobs. She came to us because she wanted to get back online again. She was in the EXPLORE phase because she needed some direction as to what kind of business to create.
We partnered with her to explore her strengths as well as reach out to her considerable network to create a growing and successful podcast placement service.
Amplify Your Message by Building a Solid Platform
Who are you and why should anyone care? One of the biggest challenges of the online marketing space is standing out amongst the hundred other people who do something close to what you do. (Of course only YOU do exactly what you do - the trick is attracting your ideal clients..) The hack here is getting people to know, like and trust you. You do that by creating a system and gets you in front of your tribe with regular and useful information.
We’ll help you create what you need for your business - maybe a:
- Content Strategy and Calendar so you are never having to think what to post
- Create a Channel (FB Group, Podcast, YouTube Channel, etc.)
- Webinar/Executive Summary Video
- Guest blogging strategy
- Speaker Sheet
Amplify Your Business Presence Through Partnerships
Serve Your Audience By Creating a Relationship Building System
The biggest problem with online marketing (so many people offering something like what you do), is also one of the biggest benefits (so many people who share an audience with you). The trick is to create win-win partnerships that allow you to grow your business quickly. No, this hack isn’t just for the “big fish” - The “small fry” can still get a lot of traction here… the key is having a trustworthy tracking system and being able to provide your partners with what they need to promote your product (don’t expect them to do this themselves).
Let us help you put your business on turboboost by partnering with you to:
- Choose affiliate platform that will track sales and issue payments automatically
- Tracking - knowing your numbers will help you see what is working & what is not
- Finding partners - the right Joint Venture or Affiliate partner can expand your business exponentially
- Promoting other people can lead to additional revenue streams
- Swipe files can automatically provide partners with everything they need to promote you
Perfect Your Selling Processes Using Automated Email Marketing
Serve Your Audience By Creating a Relationship Building System
Imagine having a staff of “fairies” who could be there to help your clients 24/7 - getting them exactly the information they need when they need it. In the right hands, an autoresponder can do this for you.
Even better, imagine that your “fairy army” could spin your words into gold… they say the money is in the list. A solid email marketing system will bring profits to your business again and again (without much intervention from you).
The trouble is - that email technology is full of gremlins. Autoresponders (even Active Campaign!), can be confusing and difficult to set up. We have tons of experience to help make email marketing work for you.
We have worked with a number of clients over the years to perfect their automated email follow-up sequences to increase sales. Often a client will miss opportunities to sell further products to clients who have purchased something else - or even miss a first sale because they didn’t follow up enough. Much of that process can be automated, making a significant difference to a businesses bottom line.
Our Email Marketing BIG Hack includes:
- Set up email list to move people from prospects to customers - we will help move you to Active Campaign which is the best autoresponder on the market (the one we use!)
- Set up automations - including templates for all emails - just add your voice and branding
- Help write sequences - we know what emails work and what makes people take action
- Integrations - we can help integrate your autoresponder with the other key tools you work with
- We can even train your team on how to maintain the system
Create a Sales System To Grow Your Business
Serve Your Audience By Creating a Relationship Building System
Ever watched a “big guru” launched and wondered how they got hundreds of people to buy thousand dollar products just by sending emails. The secret is… they don’t. Most high-ticket product sales still happen by phone. The key to making those sales is to create a system and script that works for you again and again.
Our sales big hack includes:
Sales Appointment Funnel - We’ll help you create a system to generate leads to convert to sales calls.
Follow Up Sequences - Most people give up too soon after a sales call. We’ll help you create a post-call follow up sequence that will keep you top of mind with your prospects.
Sales Scripting - know what to say when you get a prospect on a call in order to increase the percentage of sales
Tracking - know how to find the problems that are causing a blockage in your funnel. If you know about it, a quick tweak will make a big difference to your bottom line.
Why no buy button? No, this isn't some super-expensive (costs more than your mortgage) program. (because this is done *with* you - it is surprisingly affordable). But, because we are your "partners in crime" - we want to be absolutely sure that this program is the right fit for you - and that we have the skills to really make a difference in your business --which is why we need to talk to you before you buy.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I really get this done in 90 days?
Yes! Many of our clients come to us having tried and tried to get that one key project done that would make a huge difference in their business. Good marketing does take time…. But we are able to HACK the system by using templates and systems that we’ve developed over a decade of working with clients just like you. Working together, you’ll benefit from our experience and more importantly, create and customize what we do together so that repeating the project (i.e. building more products) will be a snap.
Can I work on more than one "big hack" project at a time?
Yes! If we finish one project - we can start on the next one. One of the best “hacks” we know for getting things done in business and in life is to get one project done before starting the next one.
How much 1-on-1 support and time do I get?
In addition to the time we spend together on the Roadmap, we’ll spend 12 hours over the 90 days (1 hour per week), working together over zoom making progress on your project. In addition, you’ll have access to us via slack for private or group questions.
What if I need more time/support?
We are here for you. We make it easy and affordable to add hours to your package. Need more “done for you” support? We have a nice big rolodex of great VAs, web designers and other service-based superstars and will happily introduce you to someone who can help.
What payment plans are available? What types of payment do you accept?
We’ll gladly discuss payment plans and options with you on our phone call. If we decide to move forward after our call - we’ll send you a link to the payment plan we’ve agreed upon.
Can my team/VA be part of the calls?
Can my team (VA, etc) be part of the calls? Because the group calls are limited in size to just a handful of people, we don’t allow team members on the calls in addition. However, you can send your VA instead of yourself if you think that will be more useful. Your VA can participate in the one on one calls and have access to slack channel for your business. All the calls are recorded and can be reviewed by anyone on your team at any time.
Uggh... Do I really have to be part of a mastermind?
Nope. You don’t. We understand that not all businesses (and not all people) are a good fit for group coaching. You’ll be getting plenty of time with us one on one…
That being said, knowing that you need to report on your project to both your group of fellow solo biz hackers and your coaches can be a very powerful motivator. And, this is a great chance to get some extra help with items that aren’t part of our “big hack” currently.
What's Up with the Hackathons? (Do I Need To Learn How to Code?)
The Hack A Thons are essentially a mini-group version of our “Big Hack” project. We spend a few hours as a group via zoom getting some serious sh*T done on a particular project. At the end of just a few hours, you’ll have something done. In January, we planned out our contents and offers… Plus, this is another chance to dabble in something a little different for a few hours and still make progress in your business.
Do You Have a Guarantee or Refund Policy?
Because this is such a personal, hands-on service, we don’t offer a money back guarantee. However, we also don’t leave our clients stranded. Ever. The key is communication. If something is not working for you in our relationship - we’ll work with you to make it right - because that’s the right thing to do.In the end, your success is our success and we are invested in making you successful.
Are You Ready to Hack Your Way to Success in 2020?
Book a chat with us to see how much time and money you could save if you were to sign up for the Solo Biz Hacker Collective!
So what is Solo Biz Hacking?
The Mirriam-Webster dictionary defines a ‘hack’ (in our context), as
“a usually creatively improvised solution to a computer hardware or programming problem or limitation.”
Mirriam-Webster Inc
In a business context, we help provide creative solutions to online businesses run by solopreneurs to overcome problems or limitations within that business.We come across stories all the time from solopreneurs who have struggled for years to get their business to a stage where they are making real money, or who have wasted thousands of dollars doing the wrong things with the wrong tools for their particular business. That is largely the problem - there are no one-size-fits-all solutions in business, especially in online businesses where the technology and the strategies change all the time as new tools come onto the market. It is very easy to get overwhelmed by it all.
What we do is help you cut through all the noise and provide you with creative solutions to overcome all your online business limitations.
Book a chat with Meredith to see how much time and money you'll save if you were to sign up for the Solo Biz Hacker Collective!
Why no buy button? No, this isn't some super-expensive (costs more than your mortgage) program. (because this is done *with* you - it is surprisingly affordable). But, because we are your "partners in crime" - we want to be absolutely sure that this program is the right fit for you - and that we have the skills to really make a difference in your business --which is why we need to talk to you before you buy.
Copyright 2020 Solo Biz Hacker