September 15

September 15, 2024

Looking to add more clients on LinkedIn but don’t know where to start? Over the past decade, I’ve helped hundreds of entrepreneurs grow their businesses using LinkedIn and have learned a thing or two about how to invest your time wisely on the platform. In this blog post, I will walk you through a simple daily routine that will help you leverage LinkedIn effectively, in about 30 minutes a day. If you follow these steps consistently, you’ll be able to connect with potential clients, build relationships, and generate leads without feeling overwhelmed or giving up too soon because you aren’t getting results.

Prerequisite: Before you start building your network on LinkedIn – it’s important that you know WHO you want to serve and HOW you want to solve an expensive problem for them. Not sure where to start? Our Know, Like and Trust course is a good way to get started.

One of my favorite ways to get things done is to use the Pomodoro method, where you set a timer for 25 minutes and work without allowing interruptions until the timer goes off. I created this routine to be able to be done in one Pomodoro (25 minutes). Read over these instructions, set your timer and start growing your network of potential clients.

  1. Research and Connect :
    The first step in your daily routine is send connection requests to 10 people on LinkedIn. If you are just starting out, I would recommend looking for potential connections that have something in common with you. Do you live in the same town? Belong to some of the same groups on LinkedIn? Follow the same people?

Once you’ve found potential connections, take a moment to personalize your connection request. Mention something specific from their profile or mutual interests that caught your attention. This personal touch shows that you’re genuinely interested in connecting and increases the likelihood that your connection request will be accepted. We generally look for a connection acceptance rate of 15 -30%. If you are not getting those results, you may want to look at your LinkedIn profile.

  1. Send Thank You Messages:
    Your next task is to send a quick thank you message to anyone who has recently connected with you on LinkedIn.

    Here’s how you find more your most recent connections:
    1. Go to your profile
    2. Scroll down to resources and click on My Network
    3. Click on the arrow next to manage my network
    4. Use the button at the top of the profile to sort by “recently added” to get your list.

Craft personalized messages that highlight why you appreciate their connection and how you believe your expertise can add value to their professional journey. Remember, authenticity is key here. Avoid a big sales pitch. Just thank them for connecting and possibly ask them a question to move the conversation along.

  1. Respond to Content:
    LinkedIn is not just about self-promotion; it’s also an excellent platform for engaging with others’ content. Take a few minutes to scroll through your feed, read articles, posts, and updates shared by your connections, and leave thoughtful comments. Try to respond to (and share content from) the people you are having conversations with on LinkedIn.

Engaging with others’ content not only helps you stay visible in their network but shows that you are on LinkedIn to provide value and to network. Your comments, questions and insights give you exposure and help you to build relationships on the network.

  1. Start Conversations:
    In addition to responding to content, proactively initiate conversations with your connections. Some of my favorite ways to start a conversation is to ask people about their favorite business book or to about what issues they are currently seeing in their industry.
  2. Schedule a Phone or Zoom Call:
    After you’ve sent a few messages back and forth with the prospect, it might be work trying to schedule a face to face zoom meeting for phone call. One thing that I like to do in invite people to take part in an interview where I can learn more about them and introduce them to my community. You also could offer a demo, audit or another value-added icebreaker call.

Remember, consistency is key. Make it a habit to set your Pomodoro timer and follow this routine daily and watch your LinkedIn network and sales pipeline grow .

About the author 

Meredith Eisenberg

Meredith Eisenberg - CoFounder and lead solo biz hacker - I love to scour the internet for new strategies and ideas - and then experiment to see which ideas really work. I am tech nerd when it comes to marketing!

For the past 15 years, I have been helping entrepreneurs tame the tech overwhelm and create businesses that works for them. From basic strategy to simplifying funnels, to building relationships, I’ve done it all.

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