July 14

July 14, 2024

Daily Bite Sized Marketing Routine

Something a mentor said to me recently really hit home… she was talking about all the people that she has known online for a LONG time, who haven’t made any progress in their business. The reason is that when life happens, they give up rather than pushing forward.

I can honestly say I’ve been guilty of this. I get some real momentum in my business and then life happens. My Mom needs something or someone catches Covid, the car breaks down and then it takes a LONG time to get back on track. My mentor says that the key is to still work on your business – even just for a few minutes even when life gets in the way.

So, I’m trying a new approach. My daily business growth routine is bite-sized and I’m giving myself the grace to take different sized bites each day from my list depending on what is going on that day.

Nibbles, Bites and Chomps…

Here are are the different sized bites, I’ll be taking…

Nibble (15 minutes – 1 item) Sometimes, 15 minutes is all you have. Choose one task from the list and focus solely on that. Whether it’s adding new leads, creating content, reaching out, evaluating, or selling, doing just one thing consistently can still drive progress.

Bite (30-45 minutes – 2 items) On days when you have a bit more time, tackle two items. This could be building your list and creating content, or reaching out and evaluating your efforts. This approach allows for more substantial progress without being overwhelming.

Chomp (Full list) For maximum impact, aim to complete all five tasks. This comprehensive approach ensures you’re covering all bases of your marketing strategy, leading to more consistent and significant growth in your business.

Yes, of course, if you want to build your business quickly, you want to take more chomps than nibbles… After all, the 4 hour work week requires a bit of outsourcing and this plan is for DIY… Still, something is always better than nothing.

Here’s the daily list:

The Daily Bite-Sized Leads Approach

Build Your List (15 minutes)

Objective: Add more people to your community.

Promote Your Freebie: Start by promoting your free offer to attract new leads. Share it on your social media, website, or through email.

Add More People to Your Daily Bite-Sized Leads List: Consistently expand your list by adding new contacts who might be interested in your products or services. This can include new email subscribers, social media followers, or people you meet at events.

Inspire with Content (15 minutes)

Objective: Create and share valuable content on social media.

Focus on sharing content that is valuable and engaging to your audience. This could be a blog post, a video, an infographic, or a thoughtful social media post. By regularly posting content that addresses your audience’s needs and interests, you establish yourself as an authority in your field and build trust with potential customers.

Touch Base Regularly (15 minutes)

Objective: Send outreach messages to your community, either through social media or email.

Reaching out regularly helps maintain and strengthen relationships with your audience. Send personalized messages to your leads, follow up on previous conversations, or simply check in to see how they’re doing. This ongoing communication keeps you top-of-mind and opens the door for future sales opportunities.

Evaluate and Improve (15 minutes)

Objective: Analyze and tweak your marketing efforts.

Spend time reviewing your marketing metrics. Look at social media engagement, email open rates, and the number of calls or meetings you’ve scheduled. Use this data to identify what’s working and what’s not, then make small adjustments to improve your strategy. Continuous evaluation helps you refine your approach and achieve better results over time.

Sell (15 minutes)

Objective: Offer something for sale to your list daily through email or social media.

Even if you’re not pushing for a hard sell every day, make it a habit to remind your audience of what you offer. Highlight different products or services, share success stories or testimonials, and make it easy for people to make a purchase. Sign up to be an affiliate for programs you recommend and share those recommendations. Regular selling ensures you’re consistently driving revenue and not missing out on potential sales. It also helps your audience get used to paying you.

What size bite are you taking today?

About the author 

Meredith Eisenberg

Meredith Eisenberg - CoFounder and lead solo biz hacker - I love to scour the internet for new strategies and ideas - and then experiment to see which ideas really work. I am tech nerd when it comes to marketing!

For the past 15 years, I have been helping entrepreneurs tame the tech overwhelm and create businesses that works for them. From basic strategy to simplifying funnels, to building relationships, I’ve done it all.

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