[video_page_section type=”youtube” position=”top” image=”https://solobizhacker.comwp-content/uploads/2016/01/Screen-Shot-2016-01-18-at-11.08.51-AM.png” btn=”light” heading=”” subheading=”” cta=”” video_width=”1080″ hide_related=”false” hide_logo=”false” hide_controls=”false” hide_title=”false” hide_fullscreen=”false”]https://youtu.be/pTbNOEfLgX8[/video_page_section]In honor of Martin Luther King Day we are doing a DREAM themed Solo Biz Bite week – 5 steps to creating your dream business –
D = Define; R = Refine; E = Execute; A = Amplify; M = Mold.
In the first video we looked at the importance of Defining what you are going to do as a business before you take any steps to actually put a plan into action. In the second video we look at the steps you need to take to Refine that idea; we looked at how to Execute the plan; Amplify to a wider audience, and in the final part we see how to create a Mold for your business where you can replicate the process to expand your operation to something larger than yourself.