May 15

May 15, 2024

Welcome to another of our Audio Spotlights where today we are talking to Michele Molitor

Michele is a confidence coach, a hypnotherapist, an author and a keynote speaker – who helps people overcome challenges that stop them progressing in either a career or business – challenges like imposter syndrome, anxiety or doubts, or even the feeling of being burned out. Her new book, ‘I Am Perfectly Flawsome!’ came out just yesterday!

Michele uses a technique called rapid rewiring to work with clients at a conscious and subconscious level to identify and address the root causes of their blocks.  Typically her clients busy professionals in their 40s, 50s, and 60s who are dealing with anxiety, burnout, and overwhelm. But she works with people of all ages.

Michele shares her personal experience of being bullied out of her position as a creative director, which led her to start her own business and help others regain their confidence and value.

She does all of her one-to-one and group work virtually, working with people all over the world, highlighting the benefits of virtual therapy.

If you want to hear what Michele would say if she had the attention of the world for just 5 minutes, check out our interview.

If you would like to find out more about Michele and her work, you can connect with her on LinkedIn or visite her website. And check out her brand new book ‘I Am Perfectly Flawsome!