April 12

April 12, 2016

I have a bit of a confession to make. I have been feeling a bit burnt out lately 🙂 Maybe it is the time of year – the luster has worn off the new year – and it seems like I’m just working hard but not really seeing spectacular results.

Did you know that when it comes to business – the one thing that really crumbles entrepreneurs – is overwhelm.

It’s a trap.

You and I are a lot alike I think. It is easy to think that working more is working better. You end up ditching the self care to meet the needs of your clients and your family. You are tired and worn out, and before you give up (like I almost did), I want to give you a message.

The key is to work smarter not harder.

Here’s a few quick tips that I am trying to boost my productivity.

1. Structure Your Days: Structure equals a routine of success. If you’re running around like a madman, you’re quickly going to burn out.

Here’s what you do:

Create a routine that fits your lifestyle. Get up at the same time each morning, drink a cup of coffee, check emails when you first get to the office and then leave them. Block out specific times for phone calls – sticking to a routine is key!

2. Quit Trying to Multitask: Multitasking means you’re putting in a half-effort. Stop that.

Here’s what you do:

Focus on one thing at a time, so you don’t have to go back and correct your mistakes later. I discovered a new tool that helps you to schedule tasks in your calendar. It is called Plan. You can get it here – https://getplan.co

3. Take a break: Giving yourself a few moments to wind down throughout the day is necessary for maintaining your productivity… and sanity.

Here’s what you do:

A lot of people convince themselves that breaks are a waste of time when really, pushing yourself can be counterproductive. Give your brain relax time so it can regain fuel by taking a 10 minute break every hour and a half. I like to crank up the music and dance!

Anyway, I don’t want to eat up too much more of your time. I just wanted to share what I’ve been up to in case it helps you!


PS – In case you were wondering, I got some help with this system from a fellow Time Traders Club Elite Member, Miriam Ortiz Y Pino. She has also helped another member Dave Kinkead (you can read his story here). Do you need help in your business? Join Time Traders Club – it’s free!

About the author 

Meredith Eisenberg

Meredith Eisenberg - CoFounder and lead solo biz hacker - I love to scour the internet for new strategies and ideas - and then experiment to see which ideas really work. I am tech nerd when it comes to marketing!

For the past 15 years, I have been helping entrepreneurs tame the tech overwhelm and create businesses that works for them. From basic strategy to simplifying funnels, to building relationships, I’ve done it all.

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