January 7

January 7, 2016

You are getting ready to become a full fledged solo business hacker. You are ready to create some experiments and try to make your business better, but where should you start? How many experiments should you do at once?

A good guideline is to do one experiment at a time is each of the following five areas of operation:

Mission This is the core area of your business – the thing that people pay you to do. For example, if you are a social media consultant – social media would be your area of expertise. If you are business coach, your area of expertise would be business coaching. This is usually the thing you love to do the most – but can’t find enough time to do because you are doing everything else in your business too. Experiments here are about changing your process to get better results for your clients.

Marketing/Sales This is about getting the word out, conversion and sales. Experiments in this area include adding more content to your blog, posting more or differently to social media, trying a new mix of social media channels. You can get plenty of ideas for marketing hacks by googling growth hacking and using some of those ideas.

Operations This is the nuts and bolts, bread and butter part of your business. This where time spent creating processes goes. It is also about profit, loss, finances, keeping records, etc. Experiments in this area are how to improve your record keeping, how to eliminate costs by doing things more efficiently, etc.

Capabilities This is the training and development part of your business. Experiments here are learning adventures. If you like to learn, this is where you can get ideas for new experiments. You can also expand your capabilities by hiring or trading with other people.

Connections This is one of the most important areas of your business and includes building relationships with clients and prospects – but also finding a way to approach and befriend influencers. Experiments in the connections area might include how the level of thank you gift you send influences renewals and referrals. Or, perhaps you can experiment with new systems of reaching out to potential influencers. Just remember to measure what you are doing.

Remember, you want to limit the number of hacks you are trying at any one time so you don’t get overwhelmed. Do two or three (choose the areas where you need the most help), or do one from each area. Keep tweaking and you’ll be sure to see results.

About the author 

Meredith Eisenberg

Meredith Eisenberg - CoFounder and lead solo biz hacker - I love to scour the internet for new strategies and ideas - and then experiment to see which ideas really work. I am tech nerd when it comes to marketing!

For the past 15 years, I have been helping entrepreneurs tame the tech overwhelm and create businesses that works for them. From basic strategy to simplifying funnels, to building relationships, I’ve done it all.

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