April 3

April 3, 2023

Starting a new coaching business can be a daunting task, especially when you’re trying to build a customer base from scratch. Fortunately, there’s a proven strategy that can help new coaches attract high-quality clients and build a successful business: the Dream 100 method.

The Dream 100 method is a marketing strategy that involves identifying and targeting your top 100 prospective clients, partners, or collaborators in your industry. By focusing your efforts on these individuals, you can build relationships and establish your brand in a way that attracts new clients and grows your business.

Here’s how a new coach can use the Dream 100 method to build a successful business:

  1. Identify your Dream 100

The first step in using the Dream 100 method is to identify the top 100 individuals or companies in your industry that you would like to work with or learn from. These might include influential coaches, thought leaders, or successful business owners who could benefit from your coaching services.

To identify your Dream 100, start by researching your industry and making a list of the people or companies that you admire or respect. Look for individuals or businesses that are aligned with your coaching niche and target audience.

  1. Build relationships with your Dream 100

Once you’ve identified your Dream 100, it’s time to start building relationships with them. This might involve connecting with them on social media, commenting on their blog posts or articles, or attending events where they are speaking.

The key to building relationships with your Dream 100 is to provide value to them. This might involve sharing your expertise, offering to help with a project or campaign, or introducing them to someone who could benefit from their services. By providing value to your Dream 100, you can establish yourself as a valuable asset in your industry and increase your chances of working with them in the future.

  1. Create content that appeals to your Dream 100

In addition to building relationships with your Dream 100, you should also focus on creating content that appeals to them. This might involve writing blog posts, creating videos, or hosting webinars that address the specific needs and interests of your Dream 100.

By creating content that appeals to your Dream 100, you can establish yourself as an expert in your industry and increase your visibility among your target audience. This can help you attract new clients and establish your coaching business as a valuable resource in your industry.

  1. Follow up with your Dream 100

Finally, it’s important to follow up with your Dream 100 on a regular basis. This might involve sending them an email or message to check in, or inviting them to attend a webinar or event that you’re hosting.

By following up with your Dream 100, you can maintain the relationships that you’ve built and continue to provide value to them. This can help you stay top of mind and increase your chances of working with them in the future.

In conclusion, the Dream 100 method is a powerful marketing strategy that can help new coaches build a successful business. By identifying your top 100 prospective clients, building relationships with them, creating content that appeals to them, and following up regularly, you can establish yourself as an expert in your industry and attract high-quality clients to your coaching business.