June 12

June 12, 2024

In today’s spotlight, Meredith talks to ‘Marketing Madwoman’, Connie Ragen Green who is a best-selling author, speaker, entrepreneur and strategist who works with businesses on 6 different continents!

Connie started her business after 20 years as a classroom teacher in the Los Angeles area. An early adopter on the internet, she wanted to help new entrepreneurs be successful online.
She has products, courses and books etc, but it is her personal mentoring and joint venture mentoring that have become the most successful, and most enjoyable, part of her business.

Connie talks about the things that she struggled with most in her business career, and how she has risen to those challenges, and for her it was writing. But now she is the author of 28 books!

She talks about what she is learning now, and where she thinks the world of online marketing is heading, especially with the advent of AI.  In the end it comes down to both what people want – and what they need – to make them successful – and those are not always the same thing.

What she learned when she first got onto the internet some 20 years ago is even more true today – find out what that is in this great conversation!

If you want to learn more about Connie and her business you can connect with her on LinkedIn or visit her website at connieragengreen.com